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Serving Kentuckiana With The Best Poker Experience

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Serving Kentuckiana With The Best Poker Experience


Game Schedule


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19-2 Tournaments

Registration will end Friday, Nov. 15, 3:00PM. Signups will begin at 12:00PM day of tournament

No late entries allowed, No Walk-Ins

Event STARTS on Nov. 16, 1:00PM at Mr. G’s Bar & Grill


Who Are We?

Want To Be A Host?

Grand Prize

Come out and play to win...

This year, we will be awarding one grand prize winner with a $10,000 seat at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. Airfare and hotel accommodations for two individuals included. (two night stay)

Cash Out option of $5,000

Grand Prize

Come out and play to win...

This year, we will be awarding one grand prize winner with a $10,000 seat at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. Airfare and hotel accommodations for two individuals included. (two night stay)

Cash Out option of $5,000


1-7 players are as follows:

Win: 50 pts

2nd: 40 pts
3rd: 30 pts
4th: 20 pts

5th: 10 pts

8-14 players (Double Points):

Win: 100 pts

2nd: 80 pts
3rd: 60 pts
4th: 40 pts

5th: 20 pts

15-21 players (Triple Points):

Win: 150 pts

2nd: 120 pts
3rd: 90 pts
4th: 60 pts

5th: 30 pts

22-28 players (Quadruple Points):

Win: 200 pts

2nd: 160 pts
3rd: 120 pts
4th: 80 pts

5th: 40 pts

29-35 players (Quintuple Points):

Win: 250 pts

2nd: 200 pts
3rd: 150 pts
4th: 100 pts

5th: 50 pts

36-42 players (Sextuple Points):

Win: 300 pts

2nd: 240 pts
3rd: 180 pts
4th: 120 pts

5th: 60 pts

43-49 players (Septuple Points):

Win: 350 pts

2nd: 280 pts
3rd: 210 pts
4th: 140 pts

5th: 70 pts

50-56 players (Octuple Points):

Win: 400 pts

2nd: 320 pts
3rd: 240 pts
4th: 160 pts

5th: 80 pts

1-7 players are as follows:

Win: 50 pts

2nd: 40 pts
3rd: 30 pts
4th: 20 pts

5th: 10 pts

8-14 players (Double Points):

Win: 100 pts

2nd: 80 pts
3rd: 60 pts
4th: 40 pts

5th: 20 pts

15-21 players (Triple Points):

Win: 150 pts

2nd: 120 pts
3rd: 90 pts
4th: 60 pts

5th: 30 pts

22-28 players (Quadruple Points):

Win: 200 pts

2nd: 160 pts
3rd: 120 pts
4th: 80 pts

5th: 40 pts

29-35 players (Quintuple Points):

Win: 250 pts

2nd: 200 pts
3rd: 150 pts
4th: 100 pts

5th: 50 pts

36-42 players (Sextuple Points):

Win: 300 pts

2nd: 240 pts
3rd: 180 pts
4th: 120 pts

5th: 60 pts

43-49 players (Septuple Points):

Win: 350 pts

2nd: 280 pts
3rd: 210 pts
4th: 140 pts

5th: 70 pts

50-56 players (Octuple Points):

Win: 400 pts

2nd: 320 pts
3rd: 240 pts
4th: 160 pts

5th: 80 pts

Season XV

Complete List Of Rules


  • All decisions regarding the interpretation of any rule, eligibility, or any other matter in regard to this promotion lies solely with The Louisville Poker Tour (LPT) managers or other agents and are final and non-negotiable. The LPT has the right to refuse anyone entry into this tournament for any reason, in its sole and absolute discretion.

  • Participation in this event is voluntary and participants (herein referred to as “Player(s)”) agree to all rules, policies, and regulations of The Louisville Poker Tour. Failure to abide by any of the promotional rules is grounds for ejection including, but not limited to, forfeiture of any eligible prize winnings.

  • All event times are approximate and subject to change without notice. The LPT reserves the right to change the tournament dates and event times at any time for any reason.

  • Prizewinners are responsible for all taxes including, without limitation, federal, state, and local income taxes on or connected with any prize, and the reporting consequences thereof, are solely the responsibility of respective winners. If required by law, LPT reserves the right to withhold and remit to the appropriate taxing authorities the amount of any taxes due.

  • All Players must be legal U.S. residents, 21 years or age or older.

  • All prizes are non-transferable, and Players must agree to the prize winnings as they are stated in the tournament. If the company offers a cash option in place of the stated prize, it does so at its own discretion and on its own terms. If the Player is unable or unwilling to accept the prize (or other terms offered) as they are stated, then the LPT reserves the right to retain any prize winnings in its entirety.

  • Any Player who is excluded from this promotion is not eligible for participation in any future LPT events, nor is the player eligible to receive any prize winnings. If the player has already won and is awaiting receipt of the prize, any and all prize winnings are immediately forfeited upon exclusion from The LPT.

  • Players agree to allow the LPT unconditional use of their name and likeness for promotions/advertising or other announcements without compensation, consideration, notice, review or consent, where permitted.

  • Any attempt by any person (Player or otherwise) to deliberately defraud any LPT event, property, or to undermine the legitimate operation of this tournament could be in violation of criminal and civil laws. Should such an attempt be made, the LPT reserves the right to prosecute any such person to the fullest extent of the law.

  • The Louisville Poker Tour reserves the right to change any part of the tournament. This includes, but is not limited to, rules, format, game structure, prize pool, or any other area of this promotion.

  • Participants agree that bringing any food or drinks (including alcohol) onto the premises not purchased from a participating location is grounds for immediate ejection. This included the parking lot of the participating Host.

  • A copy of the LPT rules will be available at game locations. One will be provided for you upon request.

  • Top 75 players receive an invitation for points game. Top 5 places will be paid. 15 Minute blinds/Big Blind Ante.

  • Games start on time. If game should end before 30 minute grace period, the game is over.

  • Every venue and Every game will be given $2000 (extra bonus chips) if you sign up before start of the game.

Game Format / Rules

  • Every seat is dealt a hand, even when players are absent. Those hands are folded in turn with any blind or forced bet also being taken in turn. No player may be away from the table for more than five consecutive hands or 10 minutes. Should this occur while on a waiting list, the player will forfeit their seat and chips; the dealer reserves the right to forfeit the seat. The only exception made is for LPT® Invite, Semi-Final & Final Events having made prior arrangements with LPT® management.

  • Cards thrown across the betting circle in a forward motion are considered folded if action is pending. Players who throw their cards across the line may not retrieve their cards unless the dealer told the player the incorrect information and the cards can clearly be distinguished from the other cards in the muck pile.

  • High value chips are to be kept in the front of a player’s stack at all times. They must be visible to the dealer and all other players at all times. Chips are never to leave the table unless told to do so for the purpose of consolidating tables.

  • All chips in play must be visible at all times. Players must never have chips in their pocket or on their person at any time. Players with chips in their pocket will forfeit all their chips and will be forbidden to play in any LPT event. During break, all chips must be pushed into the center of the table in a tight circle around the dealer’s tray.

  • Do not display folded cards! Cards must be in plain sight and marked while in play. No hiding of cards. Do not show hole cards to anyone; one player to a hand. Violation is cause for chip penalty and/or forfeiting your hand. It is each players responsibility to keep his/her cards covered at all times and marked with a chip or card marker.

  • Players must act in turn for all actions. Any player who either bets, raises, or folds out of turn is subject to a penalty. A player may only act after the player immediately to their right has completed their action.

  • Silent Raises will be allowed. A player may raise either by verbal declaration or by placing the amount of the raise inside the betting circle in one motion (the exception being too many chips to push all-in at one time).

  • Verbal declarations are binding by either the amount or the minimum in the event of the word “raise”. Any and all chips placed inside the ring are in play, even if the player did not mean to put in the amount they did. Chips may never be taken back across the betting line. A player is obligated to the amount they place inside the betting circle.

  • Single chips are always a call of the last bet unless verbally stated otherwise. The only time they are considered a raise is if it is the original bet.

  • A player only has to show both their hole cards if another player in the hand requests after the hand is called on the river. Players who are not involved in the hand, or folded prior to the river card, do not have a right to see the other player’s cards.

  • If any player has more than 2 hole cards, then a misdeal is declared. If betting has occurred the pot will be split equally between all players still in the pot. If a player is “all in” they will receive an equal split of the pot they could win.

  • If a card is exposed when dealing, then that card is the burn card. The dealer will continue to deal in order and return to the player who’s card was exposed and give them the cards that would have been the first burn card. The player does not have the choice to use the exposed card.

  • Open seats at the final table are determined via random draw. Players will move from the table with the least amount of players to the table with the higher number of players. When consolidating tables, the dealer will draw to reassign the dealer button by using the “high card” method at the final table only. Dealers will only reassign the dealer button at the final table. As tables are consolidated, players must always move from least to greatest amount of players and will sit in position as it is being played (big blind, etc.).

  • Cards must be visible while a player is active. Cards may either be placed in front of the player’s chips or they must use a card marker or chip to act as a card marker.

  • There will be NO POSTING at any time (forced bets due to missed action). As players enter the game from the waiting list, they sit in whatever position is available. No player will post or be made to wait until the button passes.

  • “Coloring Up” means rounding up. When coloring up, place chips in stacks suitable to the next color up (i.e. 4 green = $100 black / 4 black = $500 Orange).

  • NO RABBIT HUNTING – When a hand is over before the river, no other cards will be viewed. This includes the flop, turn, and river.

  • Clock – Any player can call clock at the table. Clock can be called after a player has had 1 minute to act. After Clock is called, they have 1 additional minute to act.

  • No 5 hand rule (in Semi Finals).

  • Face up for All-ins. All cards will be turned face up once a participant is all-in

and all betting action for the hand is complete. If a participant accidentally

folds/mucks their hand before cards are turned up, the dealer reserves the

right to retrieve the folded/mucked cards if the cards are clearly identifiable.

Sign Up Sheet Rules

This list will be started upon the arrival of LPT staff at the location of the nightly qualification game. Players must be physically present in order to sign up. The following guidelines apply to the sign-up sheet:

A player’s name on the sign-up sheet acts as acknowledgement of LPT rules and holds the player to the rules and regulations of this promotional contest.

This is a “No Buy-In” Event and no side gambling is allowed. Purchasing and tipping are encouraged, but not required.

All players who wish to play must sign up with an LPT® dealer prior to the cut-off (30 minutes after the start).

No call ahead seating, no seats will be reserved or held for players.

Players not present will not be signed up.

Players who are not signed up prior to the cut-off will not play. No player may enter the tournament after the cut-off.

Players who leave the premises may not be allowed to play if they return. Should that player return, and is deemed eligible to play, they will be added to the bottom of the list and will enter the game with the amount of the starting chips they would have received based on their original sign-in position.

If your name is called and you are not present, the next name on the list will be called in order. You will be added to the bottom of the list as noted above.

Substitution of names is not allowed.

Tournament Format

The LPT season is divided into (3) 17-week sessions. Each session consists of a Points Tournament and a Finals Tournament.

Points Tournament

  1. Qualifiers will be determined by the session’s top 75 point achievers.

  2. These 75 players will compete for a $1,000 Grand Prize.

    Finals Tournament

  1. Any player with at least one (1) win during the session will qualify.

  2. Each qualifier will receive a starting chip count of 7,000 as well as an additional 1,000 chips for every session win over one (1).

  3. The winner of the tournament will receive a $3,000 WSOP Event Buy-In.


Cheating will not be tolerated and suspicion is cause for ejection.

The LPT can and will disqualify any participant’s prize eligibility or any prize based on fraud, dishonesty, and/or violation of promotional rules or misconduct whether related to this promotion directly or indirectly.

Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:

  1. Sharing chips. Each player’s chips are his or her own and are not to be shared or given to any other player. All chips must remain on the tabletop at all times! Taking chips from one LPT event to another is grounds for ejection from the tournament.

  2. Verbal/visual/gestured communication. Players working as a team will be ejected. If there is any communication regarding a player’s cards or the current hand, then all parties are subject to ejection. This includes non-players who try to help an active player.

  3. Marking cards/Destroying LPT property. Manipulating playing cards in any way is cheating. Bending, scratching, puncturing, indenting or any other attempt to place visual cues on LPT playing cards will not be tolerated. Any player who tampers with the playing cards in any way will be ejected from the tournament immediately.

  4. Stealing chips. Each player starts with a set amount of chips. If a player removes chips from one game and/or tries to add to his/her stack, then this player is cheating. Chips are not allowed to leave the table unless the tables are being consolidated. Chips must always be in clear view of the dealer and the other players.

  5. Coaching. Poker is not a team sport. Each player must make his/her own decisions and is not allowed to ask for help, nor is help to be given. If a player is uncertain as to what to do, they may ask the dealer only. Giving/Receiving advice about a hand while it is in play is cheating. All parties involved are in violation of LPT rules.

  6. Manipulating or trying to induce action or response Chips placed across the betting line are in play and the player must leave the entire amount. Players making a bet or raise should only place the chips they wish to wager. Betting out of turn is a form of trying to induce action and will be penalized accordingly.

  7. Exposing cards. A player who exposes their hand with action pending will be penalized. They may play the hand face up, unless the cards were thrown across the betting line; which is a fold. The player who exposed their cards may not benefit from ANY further betting that may occur. Any further betting would go in a side pot, which the player at fault is not eligible.

Players receive 1 verbal warning. Any violation following will result in your chips removed from the game. No Exceptions. Continued infractions could result in game suspension(s).

Player rules / etiquette

The Louisville Poker Tour is a legal event with no buy-in required to play. The contest is open to any patron of the host wishing to participate at a host’s location. No additional costs are charged to players compared to that of non-players and no loitering is allowed.

In addition, nothing of value is ever to be staked or risked on this contest in any way. Gambling in anyway is grounds for immediate ejection.

Players are required to act in a respectful manor at all times. This includes actions or words directed towards fellow players, LPT managers/staff, or the host/staff. Players who are abusive, hostile, belittling, or otherwise act in a disrespectful manor risk loosing their seat and the privilege of playing in the LPT. Continuing disrespect is grounds for permanent ejections from all future LPT events.

The LPT may disqualify any participant or any prize based on fraud, dishonesty, or violation of promotional rules or misconduct whether or not related to this promotion, and may do so from all future LPT events.

We reserve the right to ask overly intoxicated players to step away from the poker tables.

Please keep the game in perspective: This is free. If you lose, you can come back tomorrow. The rules & dealers are designed to keep the game fun & friendly for everyone. Enjoy the game responsibly and know your limits!

** Chips are units of measurement and have no cash value

** “Bet” refers to placing a chip/chips into the pot for that hand; it is not to be confused with gambling as it is defined in KRS 528.010(3)

Season XV

Complete List Of Rules


  • All decisions regarding the interpretation of any rule, eligibility, or any other matter in regard to this promotion lies solely with The Louisville Poker Tour (LPT) managers or other agents and are final and non-negotiable. The LPT has the right to refuse anyone entry into this tournament for any reason, in its sole and absolute discretion.

  • Participation in this event is voluntary and participants (herein referred to as “Player(s)”) agree to all rules, policies, and regulations of The Louisville Poker Tour. Failure to abide by any of the promotional rules is grounds for ejection including, but not limited to, forfeiture of any eligible prize winnings.

  • All event times are approximate and subject to change without notice. The LPT reserves the right to change the tournament dates and event times at any time for any reason.

  • Prizewinners are responsible for all taxes including, without limitation, federal, state, and local income taxes on or connected with any prize, and the reporting consequences thereof, are solely the responsibility of respective winners. If required by law, LPT reserves the right to withhold and remit to the appropriate taxing authorities the amount of any taxes due.

  • All Players must be legal U.S. residents, 21 years or age or older.

  • All prizes are non-transferable, and Players must agree to the prize winnings as they are stated in the tournament. If the company offers a cash option in place of the stated prize, it does so at its own discretion and on its own terms. If the Player is unable or unwilling to accept the prize (or other terms offered) as they are stated, then the LPT reserves the right to retain any prize winnings in its entirety.

  • Any Player who is excluded from this promotion is not eligible for participation in any future LPT events, nor is the player eligible to receive any prize winnings. If the player has already won and is awaiting receipt of the prize, any and all prize winnings are immediately forfeited upon exclusion from The LPT.

  • Players agree to allow the LPT unconditional use of their name and likeness for promotions/advertising or other announcements without compensation, consideration, notice, review or consent, where permitted.

  • Any attempt by any person (Player or otherwise) to deliberately defraud any LPT event, property, or to undermine the legitimate operation of this tournament could be in violation of criminal and civil laws. Should such an attempt be made, the LPT reserves the right to prosecute any such person to the fullest extent of the law.

  • The Louisville Poker Tour reserves the right to change any part of the tournament. This includes, but is not limited to, rules, format, game structure, prize pool, or any other area of this promotion.

  • Participants agree that bringing any food or drinks (including alcohol) onto the premises not purchased from a participating location is grounds for immediate ejection. This included the parking lot of the participating Host.

  • A copy of the LPT rules will be available at game locations. One will be provided for you upon request.

  • Top 75 players receive an invitation for points game. Top 5 places will be paid. 15 Minute blinds/Big Blind Ante.

  • Games start on time. If game should end before 30 minute grace period, the game is over.

  • Every venue and Every game will be given $2000 (extra bonus chips) if you sign up before start of the game.

Game Format / Rules

  • Every seat is dealt a hand, even when players are absent. Those hands are folded in turn with any blind or forced bet also being taken in turn. No player may be away from the table for more than five consecutive hands or 10 minutes. Should this occur while on a waiting list, the player will forfeit their seat and chips; the dealer reserves the right to forfeit the seat. The only exception made is for LPT® Invite, Semi-Final & Final Events having made prior arrangements with LPT® management.

  • Cards thrown across the betting circle in a forward motion are considered folded if action is pending. Players who throw their cards across the line may not retrieve their cards unless the dealer told the player the incorrect information and the cards can clearly be distinguished from the other cards in the muck pile.

  • High value chips are to be kept in the front of a player’s stack at all times. They must be visible to the dealer and all other players at all times. Chips are never to leave the table unless told to do so for the purpose of consolidating tables.

  • All chips in play must be visible at all times. Players must never have chips in their pocket or on their person at any time. Players with chips in their pocket will forfeit all their chips and will be forbidden to play in any LPT event. During break, all chips must be pushed into the center of the table in a tight circle around the dealer’s tray.

  • Do not display folded cards! Cards must be in plain sight and marked while in play. No hiding of cards. Do not show hole cards to anyone; one player to a hand. Violation is cause for chip penalty and/or forfeiting your hand. It is each players responsibility to keep his/her cards covered at all times and marked with a chip or card marker.

  • Players must act in turn for all actions. Any player who either bets, raises, or folds out of turn is subject to a penalty. A player may only act after the player immediately to their right has completed their action.

  • Silent Raises will be allowed. A player may raise either by verbal declaration or by placing the amount of the raise inside the betting circle in one motion (the exception being too many chips to push all-in at one time).

  • Verbal declarations are binding by either the amount or the minimum in the event of the word “raise”. Any and all chips placed inside the ring are in play, even if the player did not mean to put in the amount they did. Chips may never be taken back across the betting line. A player is obligated to the amount they place inside the betting circle.

  • Single chips are always a call of the last bet unless verbally stated otherwise. The only time they are considered a raise is if it is the original bet.

  • A player only has to show both their hole cards if another player in the hand requests after the hand is called on the river. Players who are not involved in the hand, or folded prior to the river card, do not have a right to see the other player’s cards.

  • If any player has more than 2 hole cards, then a misdeal is declared. If betting has occurred the pot will be split equally between all players still in the pot. If a player is “all in” they will receive an equal split of the pot they could win.

  • If a card is exposed when dealing, then that card is the burn card. The dealer will continue to deal in order and return to the player who’s card was exposed and give them the cards that would have been the first burn card. The player does not have the choice to use the exposed card.

  • Open seats at the final table are determined via random draw. Players will move from the table with the least amount of players to the table with the higher number of players. When consolidating tables, the dealer will draw to reassign the dealer button by using the “high card” method at the final table only. Dealers will only reassign the dealer button at the final table. As tables are consolidated, players must always move from least to greatest amount of players and will sit in position as it is being played (big blind, etc.).

  • Cards must be visible while a player is active. Cards may either be placed in front of the player’s chips or they must use a card marker or chip to act as a card marker.

  • There will be NO POSTING at any time (forced bets due to missed action). As players enter the game from the waiting list, they sit in whatever position is available. No player will post or be made to wait until the button passes.

  • “Coloring Up” means rounding up. When coloring up, place chips in stacks suitable to the next color up (i.e. 4 green = $100 black / 4 black = $500 Orange).

  • NO RABBIT HUNTING – When a hand is over before the river, no other cards will be viewed. This includes the flop, turn, and river.

  • Clock – Any player can call clock at the table. Clock can be called after a player has had 1 minute to act. After Clock is called, they have 1 additional minute to act.

  • No 5 hand rule (in Semi Finals).

  • Face up for All-ins. All cards will be turned face up once a participant is all-in

and all betting action for the hand is complete. If a participant accidentally

folds/mucks their hand before cards are turned up, the dealer reserves the

right to retrieve the folded/mucked cards if the cards are clearly identifiable.

Sign Up Sheet Rules

This list will be started upon the arrival of LPT staff at the location of the nightly qualification game. Players must be physically present in order to sign up. The following guidelines apply to the sign-up sheet:

A player’s name on the sign-up sheet acts as acknowledgement of LPT rules and holds the player to the rules and regulations of this promotional contest.

This is a “No Buy-In” Event and no side gambling is allowed. Purchasing and tipping are encouraged, but not required.

All players who wish to play must sign up with an LPT® dealer prior to the cut-off (30 minutes after the start).

No call ahead seating, no seats will be reserved or held for players.

Players not present will not be signed up.

Players who are not signed up prior to the cut-off will not play. No player may enter the tournament after the cut-off.

Players who leave the premises may not be allowed to play if they return. Should that player return, and is deemed eligible to play, they will be added to the bottom of the list and will enter the game with the amount of the starting chips they would have received based on their original sign-in position.

If your name is called and you are not present, the next name on the list will be called in order. You will be added to the bottom of the list as noted above.

Substitution of names is not allowed.

Tournament Format

The LPT season is divided into (3) 17-week sessions. Each session consists of a Points Tournament and a Finals Tournament.

Points Tournament

  1. Qualifiers will be determined by the session’s top 75 point achievers.

  2. These 75 players will compete for a $1,000 Grand Prize.

    Finals Tournament

  1. Any player with at least one (1) win during the session will qualify.

  2. Each qualifier will receive a starting chip count of 7,000 as well as an additional 1,000 chips for every session win over one (1).

  3. The winner of the tournament will receive a $3,000 WSOP Event Buy-In.


Cheating will not be tolerated and suspicion is cause for ejection.

The LPT can and will disqualify any participant’s prize eligibility or any prize based on fraud, dishonesty, and/or violation of promotional rules or misconduct whether related to this promotion directly or indirectly.

Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:

  1. Sharing chips. Each player’s chips are his or her own and are not to be shared or given to any other player. All chips must remain on the tabletop at all times! Taking chips from one LPT event to another is grounds for ejection from the tournament.

  2. Verbal/visual/gestured communication. Players working as a team will be ejected. If there is any communication regarding a player’s cards or the current hand, then all parties are subject to ejection. This includes non-players who try to help an active player.

  3. Marking cards/Destroying LPT property. Manipulating playing cards in any way is cheating. Bending, scratching, puncturing, indenting or any other attempt to place visual cues on LPT playing cards will not be tolerated. Any player who tampers with the playing cards in any way will be ejected from the tournament immediately.

  4. Stealing chips. Each player starts with a set amount of chips. If a player removes chips from one game and/or tries to add to his/her stack, then this player is cheating. Chips are not allowed to leave the table unless the tables are being consolidated. Chips must always be in clear view of the dealer and the other players.

  5. Coaching. Poker is not a team sport. Each player must make his/her own decisions and is not allowed to ask for help, nor is help to be given. If a player is uncertain as to what to do, they may ask the dealer only. Giving/Receiving advice about a hand while it is in play is cheating. All parties involved are in violation of LPT rules.

  6. Manipulating or trying to induce action or response Chips placed across the betting line are in play and the player must leave the entire amount. Players making a bet or raise should only place the chips they wish to wager. Betting out of turn is a form of trying to induce action and will be penalized accordingly.

  7. Exposing cards. A player who exposes their hand with action pending will be penalized. They may play the hand face up, unless the cards were thrown across the betting line; which is a fold. The player who exposed their cards may not benefit from ANY further betting that may occur. Any further betting would go in a side pot, which the player at fault is not eligible.

Players receive 1 verbal warning. Any violation following will result in your chips removed from the game. No Exceptions. Continued infractions could result in game suspension(s).

Player rules / etiquette

The Louisville Poker Tour is a legal event with no buy-in required to play. The contest is open to any patron of the host wishing to participate at a host’s location. No additional costs are charged to players compared to that of non-players and no loitering is allowed.

In addition, nothing of value is ever to be staked or risked on this contest in any way. Gambling in anyway is grounds for immediate ejection.

Players are required to act in a respectful manor at all times. This includes actions or words directed towards fellow players, LPT managers/staff, or the host/staff. Players who are abusive, hostile, belittling, or otherwise act in a disrespectful manor risk loosing their seat and the privilege of playing in the LPT. Continuing disrespect is grounds for permanent ejections from all future LPT events.

The LPT may disqualify any participant or any prize based on fraud, dishonesty, or violation of promotional rules or misconduct whether or not related to this promotion, and may do so from all future LPT events.

We reserve the right to ask overly intoxicated players to step away from the poker tables.

Please keep the game in perspective: This is free. If you lose, you can come back tomorrow. The rules & dealers are designed to keep the game fun & friendly for everyone. Enjoy the game responsibly and know your limits!

** Chips are units of measurement and have no cash value

** “Bet” refers to placing a chip/chips into the pot for that hand; it is not to be confused with gambling as it is defined in KRS 528.010(3)

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Site Powered By HARD HAT PRO